
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Well here goes, BIENVENIDOS A VIVA MY YOGA!!! 

Look forward to staying in touch here, through pictures and tales, musings, and mysteries.
Tomorrow, 1/15, is my take off for a PERUsing adventure!!!

It is snowy and wonderful here in Montana, a temperature of about 4 degrees, and plenty of fresh snow fall over the last several days.

The ice skating rink across the street from my home in Bozeman.

I'll be spending my first night away in in Mexico City.  The following day I head to the pyramids of Teotihuacán, just outside of D.F. This day and particular voyage will also be in honor of my dear friend KP's one year anniversary of being sober, CONGRATS KP, I'm very proud and thrilled for you. 

Doesn't life just get better when you decide to live it with intention?

From there I'll head southeast to Oaxaca to try eating crickets, cheese (not to generalize or anything) and visit my wonderful sociology professor Leah.  I am so thrilled at the opportunity to experience a glimpse into her lifestyle there, while she is on a year long sabbatical from Montana State University.

I am beyond stoked that my best flight option to Lima ended up with a short stint in Mexico, it's about time I get a glimpse into this neighboring country that has fascinated me for so long. And I hear the food is the best in all of South America!

Been a while since I've carried all my belongings on my back!
I'm all packed and ready to go, all though as always with traveling leaving loved ones behind is bittersweet.  I am so fortunate and feel blessed beyond belief for the support of everyone here in Bozeman and far and wide.  And already the Couchsurfing communities in the places I will be traveling have been beyond helpful and welcoming.  I've included a picture of my packing, simply because when I went to give a good bye hug to the little girl, Ava, whom I nanny, exclaimed: 'You know what the most important thing to pack is, right Jess?' 'What's that Ava?' 'Well your yoga mat of course.'  And I couldn't agree more.  

Namasté Ava, Namasté to all of you.

Stay tuned for much more... meditation tips, yoga poses in fun places, daily inspirations, acts of kindness, and adventures of this incredibly PERUsing adventure.

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