Helloooooo all you Viva My Yoginis!!! Does it feel like Spring where you are?
Almost here! And the time change this weekend...
It's a great chance for a renewal of spirit.
Why not try something new, a way to enhance your self in the months to come.
Break out of your winter shell, do a happy dance, and partake in all that scintillates your senses.
As Drea (a magical horse/human healer) puts it:
'Join us for an experiential nature retreat like no other. I guarantee you will be inspired by this experience of the desert in bloom, walking the land where horses have been running free for centuries, hiking to places where early explorers came and native Americans still hold sacred. A place where a culture Sang for Horses! An experience where you will reconnect with your inner wisdom and begin trusting it as a sacred resource for your life's journey.'
Click here to find out more & sign up today.
**$100 of every registration will be donated to the non-profit working to preserve the Salt River Wild Horses.**
We'll be practicing yoga daily; experiencing very powerful horse/human healing; kayaking on the Salt River; full moon drumming amongst petroglyphs; enjoying sunset & sunrise hikes in the Salt Desert; and setting lots of good intention for ourselves & the Salt River Wild Horses.
Certainly a way to scintillate the senses & nourish the soul!
And for all you local Bozemanites - we're bringing back CHAKRA TALK!
It was such an informative hit last year, we decided to turn it into a 4 week series beginning on Monday, March 10th.

Time to learn how this type of SELF care really is the very best HEALTHcare!!
March 10th ~ Introduction and Root Chakra
Nourishing your Temple
March 17th ~ Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras
Your power and balance
March 24th ~ Heart and Throat Chakras
Finding your purpose and speak your truth
March 31st ~ Third Eye, Crown and Star
Connect to the divine, your inner wisdom.
Classes begin at 4:45 p.m.
Cost is $40 for the Series
Cost is $40 for the Series
Dari Rasa Trunk Show
132 E. Main Street
132 E. Main Street
*There is a drop-in fee available of $15 per class.*
Namasté y'all - love to each and all of you!!!
Happy journeying.